14 JUN

Cubierta Solar will install Europe’s largest industrial mega-battery for self-consumption at TexAthena

TexAhenea. Un proyecto de autoconsumo realizado por Cubierta Solar

Cubierta will install one of the first and the largest mega-battery in Europe at the TexAthenea textile company, located in Villena (Alicante). A 2-megawatt hour storage system whereby the two companies are once again working together to position themselves at the leading edge of the sector with a pioneering and benchmark project.

With this mega-battery, which generates enough power to supply 500 homes, TexAthenea is massively increasing its capacity for savings and independence from the electricity grid. The company will combine the benefits of this technology with the energy produced by the solar panels installed on the roof of its production site, nearly 4 MWp of clean energy.

With the installation of this mega-battery for self-consumption, “TexAthenea is making a qualitative leap in its production methods, enabling it to store energy at times when prices are cheaper and consume it later when it cannot use photovoltaic energy or when the price of electricity is more expensive”, explains Luis Navarro Buciega, the manager of Cubierta Solar.

The company will thus be able “to plan its expenditure on electricity in a more optimal and efficient way and take control of its bill, unaffected by the instabilities of the electricity market”.

Commitment to innovation and reducing CO2 emissions

The mega-battery is 6 metres wide and weighs nearly 30 tonnes. These systems are now in full expansion due to active subsidies that cover up to 65%, thanks to the European Union’s support plans for energy efficiency and reducing pollutant gas emissions, and also enables the availability of energy at 50% of the price offered by the conventional grid.

For TexAthenea, this is a repeat of its commitment to be ahead of the pack and a pioneer in innovation, as, in 2018, it became a benchmark for taking the first step towards self-consumption with the installation of the largest photovoltaic panel installation in Spain. A total of 2.77 MWp, at that time, and 8,316 panels. During the year following installation, it managed to produce 21MWh of renewable energy in one day of production.

Following an extension of its photovoltaic roof – the whole installation has around 14,000 solar panels covering an area similar to that of five professional football pitches -, the company has reinforced its environmental contribution by reducing its annual CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 2,196 tonnes, the equivalent of around 2,000 homes.


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