Cubierta Solar

Cubierta Solar is a leading company in the photovoltaic self-consumption sector for industry, with a track record of more than 10 years. Belonging to the family Group G.E.T, the company has undertaken more than 200 projects in different parts of Spain, and it has a strong foothold in the Valencian Community and the Murcia Region.


With more than 75 MWp of installed capacity and 10MWh of batteries, ever since it was first set up, the company has been distinguished for its firm commitment to innovation by supplying customized solutions for many different sectors including textile, automotive, footwear, plastic, cosmetics,  agro-food, hospitality, logistics or construction materials, to name but a few.Its track record is characterized by major awards, such as the Spanish National Energy Prize in the self-consumption of renewable energy category, awarded by EnerAgen-The Association of Spanish Agencies for Energy Management (2012), and also for the trust of our clients who give us positive feedback about each project that we undertake.





Young Company of the Year Award from the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Marina Baixa (2007)

Generalitat Valenciana R+D+i Award from the Family Business Association of Alicante (2012)

National Renewable Self-Consumption Award from the Association of Spanish Energy Management Agencies (2018).

Responsible Company Award. Alicante Chamber of Commerce (2021)

Alfil Award for Self-consumption and energy saving. Carbon footprint in collaboration with our client Inden Pharma. (2022)

Finalist Forbes- Credit Suisse Sutainability Awards. (2022)

10+10 Business Examples. Empresas #PorelClima. (2022)

Program of action and improvement of the #SDG-SME Action Plan. Alicante Chamber of Commerce (2022)


With the concern to always offer the most innovative solutions, Cubierta Solar has managed to secure a key position both in the photovoltaic self-consumption sector and in the development of projects with high-capacity industrial batteries and electric mobility..

Motivation, entrepreneurial spirit and a deep knowledge of the sector that make Solar Cover the best option for companies that want to be an active part of the change..


And also, we are members of:


Asociaciones y colectivos a los que pertenece Cubierta Solar